Hope 4 Dalits
India - The Land of Contrast
India experiences high economic growth and fast-growing economic centers.
According to the World Bank, 896 million people worldwide lived below the globally defined poverty line of USD 1.90 (PPP) per capita per day in 2012, of which about 30% lived in India.
In 2014, 44% (1975: 36%) of the world's undernourished population lived in India. About a quarter of the population in the sub-Indian continent is malnourished (BMI index <18).
Dalits are particularly affected by poverty and malnutrition.
The only chance to break out of the poverty spiral and the caste system is education.
HLWM-Hope4Dalits offers education and help, so people are able to take care of themselves, and have hope for a better future.
Cate System - Dalits
The strictly hierarchical caste system is the basic foundation of the Hindu religion and establishes inequalities.
Hinduism teaches that most people are born into one of four main bodies because of their karma. The caste determines the profession, spouse, place of residence, etc.
Approximately 20% of the Indian population are not part of the caste system: they are called Dalits and, as they are casteless, are discriminated against and exploited as "untouchable" sub-humans.
Poverty, illiteracy, marginalization, exploitation, enslavement, violence and abuse are all part of Dalit's daily life.
The discrimination of the Dalits has been constitutionally prohibited since 1948, but even today, especially in rural areas, such as the area of activity of HLWM-Hope4Dalits, it determines people's lives.